Friday 6 November 2009

A wonky sea trip adventure.

I think there is great suspense created in the scene where what appears to be a "tall, thin man" is on the boat. This is because there's no clarification that it's Dracula, yet people are dying. The fear of the seamen has a big impact on the audience and almost forces you to read on due to curiosity.

I think that the weather encaptures the moment and sets the scene for everything that is going to happen. I think that because we weren't told that it was Dracula, we had a clear guess that it was yet we were prepared for a shock that it was.

I really enjoyed this Chapter and made me want to read so much more. I think the lexical choices he has made have had a great effect that has made it more enjoyable.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Driving him up the walls...

Harker has discovered that he's been locked in Castle Dracula, this has made him slightly panicky and almost psychopathic. Harker noticed that Dracula was never around during the day, so he went on a manic search on a way to escape from the castle, which would give him a higher risk of living, seeing as he knows he's going to die if he doesn't leave.

After Harker looked out of the south window one night, he noticed that Dracula was mimicing Harker as he was wearing his clothes, climbing down the side of the castle and going to lead Harkers life for him. This gave Harker the inspiration to risk his life and attempt at climbing the castle himself, and he successfully managed to. This gave Harker the ability to get into Dracula's room now as the door is permenantly locked, as well as getting back to his own rooms' window.

Harker noticed that Dracula wasn't very materialistic and didn't have many items in his room, also, he noticed that in the dark corner of the room was some sort of tomb or coffin like bed, in which Dracula slept in.

I think this chapter is very good as it's really gripping me and i just want to read on. I'm quite suprised too :) I think Stoker has described Dracula's room well and got the effect that it was very cold in a metaphorical sense.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

A Night in Castle Dracula.

After Jonathan Harker arrived at Castle Dracula, he was greeted and given a meal to eat on a very expensive golden table, however, he was not joined by the count due to important business. He describes to us about the fabrics in his room and hanging from his bed that were made centuries ago being in good condition and the value in which they may hold.
After sleeping the night in Castle Dracula, Harker decided to explore due to being bored and alone, he tried a door opposite his room, only to find in his disappointment that it was locked, although, he then found another room, filled with all sorts of books in English, like politics, political economy, geology and law - All relating to England.
After the count had found Harker in his library, Mr Harker decided to enquired about various sounds he had heard thoughout the night, for example; the howling of wolves, as well as asking about the blue flames that hover over ground with buried treasure within and was told about how the ground was concealed with blood of men who fought for it.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

An Early start.

After just awaking, i've decided to read a bit of Dracula, and write a blog post!

Basically, So far, Jonathon Harker, Has finally been welcomed by Count Dracula, he recieved a letter of him ensuring that at the borgo pass, he will be pick up by his carriage.

4th of May was a very significant day, an old man and old woman were outside of the hotel, and greeted him as they knew he was staying. They knew who he was and of his business and were very frightened for him.
They knew that he was in trouble, under threat. "It is the eve of St George's Day. Do you not know that tonight when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?"
This was quoted from the old woman. You can sense a fear in her questions, you could tell she was unhappy about it. Harker thought about it, "however, there was business to be done, and i could allow nothing to interefere with it.
As he was departing from the hotel, he noticed the driver talking to landlady, and picked up on a few words they said, for example, Satan, hell, witch and were-wolf or vampire.
After having time to swell to a considerable size, the crowd round the inn door all made the sign on the coss and pointed two fingers towards Harker. He asked a fellow passenger who explain that is was a charm or a guard against the evil eye.

On entering Burkovina, Harker was picked up by a man with "coal-black horses" who travelled at rapid speed. He noticed that on his journey towards the Count, time got closer to midnight. Whilst travelling down the road, he heard a dog howling, who happened to be followed by another dog, then another and then another. This made Harker feel uneasy however he had no choice but to carry onwards.

Introduction man.

Reading Dracula now, and i've noticed that it's very dark, and gothic. Seems to be based in a medieval time due to the fact of "Castle Dracula".

The opening scene is a dairy entry by Jonathon Harker, so it's very informal as he's making personal notes for him to read back, for example where he makes the note for him to give Mina a recepie. The notes he takes are during his journey from Munich.

I've found out that there are numerous different type of vampire who all have different attire to define what race of vampire they are.